Our Members


REFLEKT (Switzerland) is Switzerland’s first independent non-profit newsroom for investigative and cross-border journalism. The small team – with freelancers around the world – uncovers abuses and injustices relevant to Swiss society. To increase its reach and impact, REFLEKT collaborates with larger media organizations. In its first year since being founded in late 2019, the team has won two of Switzerland’s most prestigious journalism awards.

Regional Press Development Institute, Ukraine

The Regional Press Development Institute has become a leading Ukrainian NGO supporting investigative journalism in Ukraine. Since 2007 it has been providing extensive investigative journalism training, as well as legal consultations, pre-publication screening, defense in the courts and media law training. RPDI supports networking of Ukrainian investigative reporters, established annual all-Ukrainian conferences for investigative journalists (which took place in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012), and contributed to hosting of the 7th Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Kyiv in 2011.

Regional Press Institute, Russia

Regional Press Institute (Russia) contributes to the formation and development of independent media in Russia by organizing and holding seminars for reporters, editors and other media staff. It is a partner-organizer of GIJN-member International Media Support (IMS) in support of “Muckrakers-Russia” network and structure for investigative journalists in North-West Russia. Investigations have included projects focused on Russia and cross-border reports with journalists from neighboring countries.

Repórter Brasil, Brazil

Repórter Brasil is a nonprofit organization founded by journalists, social scientists and educators with the aim of bringing attention and action to the violation of fundamental rights of people and workers in Brazil. Its journalists have won over 20 awards for coverage of human rights and social and environmental issues, including the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Award, while their stories have influenced public policy and served as a reference for others in the media.

Reporters United

Reporters United, Greece

Reporters United is a network of reporters and the first nonprofit organization to support investigative journalism in Greece. The group collaborates on cross-border projects with journalists and news outlets around the world. It also publishes, on its own platform, stories that struggle to find a place in the Greek press.

Republik, Switzerland

Republik is creating a new business model for journalism that places readers at the center. Its digital magazine Republik (in German) launched in January 2018 and is headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland. Republik is completely independent, reader-owned and ad free. Republik’s mother company, Project R is an open-source cooperative with close to 20,000 members, and they share knowledge, software and business insights with other projects who also want to foster democracy and free speech around the world. More information about Project R at www.project-r.construction

RISE Project, Romania

The RISE Project is a Romania-based NGO of investigative journalists, activists, programmers, and graphic designers who use cutting-edge investigation techniques and technology to generate investigative reporting on local and cross-border organized crime and corruption networks. RISE produces articles, visual databases, and advanced tools, and educates journalists and the public in researching complex corporate structures used by organized crime and corrupt officials. RISE is developing a project called Visual Investigative Scenarios, an online software, which provides exportable, customizable, dynamic, html5 visualization templates. A beta version of VIS is available for public testing at www.vis.occrp.org.


RISE-Moldova, the Association of Investigative Reporters and Editorial Security, is based in Chisinau. Established in 2014, RISE-Moldova is the sister group to Romania’s RISE Project. The group works with journalists, activists, and programmers to conduct cross-border investigations across Eastern Europe. It also trains investigative journalists and offers logistical and consulting support.

Rivne Investigative Reporting Agency

The Rivne Investigative Reporting Agency is a non-profit team of journalists based in western Ukraine. Created in 2006, the award-winning organization publishes its own multimedia investigations on a monthly basis and provides them free for republishing by other media.

Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism (CRJI)

The Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism’s mission is to deconstruct and expose corrupt structures of power, enhance investigative journalism and to create an interdisciplinary community of collectors and disseminators of relevant and verifiable information. Launched in 2001, RCIJ focused primarily on publishing investigative reports about organized crime (local and international), media, human rights abuses, networks of power, the environment, resources, energy and sports. Its location in Europe allows the center to be involved with a number of cross-border investigations and to publish its work in the European Union, the Balkans, and the Black Sea region.