Editor’s Pick: 2022’s Best Investigative Stories in French

Geographical diversity, the stories’ impact and uniqueness, the risks taken, and the techniques used were some of our criteria for selecting the strongest French language investigations of the year, selected by GIJN French Editor Alcyone Wemaëre, GIJN Francophone Africa Editor Maxime Domegni, GIJN French Assistant Editor Moran Kerinec, and Africa Assistant Editor Aïssatou Fofana.

Uber Files secret access

Топ-10 DDJ: Файлы Uber, минута в украинском окопе и кремлёвская пропаганда

Утечка файлов Uber, сомнительное наследие скандального лидера Великобритании Бориса Джонсона, реконструкция собора Нотр-Дам и широко распространенная эпидемия насилия с применением огнестрельного оружия в США.

Investigating Uber Surge Pricing: A Data Journalism Case Study

The story published in the Washington Post’s Wonkblog ended up being about race, but it didn’t start out that way. Nick Diakopoulos, who leads the lab, wrote for the Wonkblog last year with a story on how surge pricing motivates Uber drivers to move to those surging areas, but does not increase the number of drivers on the road as Uber claims.