Pesquisa on-line avançada

Paul Myers, um dos principais especialistas internacionais em investigação online, compartilha suas dicas sobre as melhores ferramentas e estratégias para desenterrar informações sobre pessoas.

Data Journalism Top 10: Russia’s Achilles’ Heel, Baby Names, Bike Shortage, Dataviz Color Guide

Our weekly look at some of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter examines the logistical Achilles’ heel of the Russian invasion, ongoing gaps in the sanctions of Russian oligarchs, Europe’s selective support for refugees, a historical analysis of Scottish baby names, and a deep dive into how organizations should choose their data visualization color palettes.

Henk van Ess on Visual Thinking for Online Investigations

In a recent GIJN webinar, open source reporting expert Henk van Ess shared several online search tricks. But he explains that these work-arounds are merely tools for a new approach to online research that he calls “thinking visual,” which invites reporters to think of keywords like a search engine, rather than a person.

The Guardian analyzes countries' climate change pledges

Data Journalism Top 10: Toxic Air, Hidden Emissions, Twitter’s Algorithm, Can Data Die?

Our weekly analysis of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter highlights a story by the Financial Times into how Europe gets its natural gas and the geopolitics of this industry. In this edition, we also feature major investigations into poisonous air and underreported methane emissions by ProPublica and The Washington Post as well as eight must-read newsletters curated by

Online Research Tools and Investigative Techniques

Search engines are an intrinsic part of the array of commonly used “open source” research tools. Together with social media, domain name look-ups and more traditional solutions such as newspapers, effective web searching will help you find vital information. Many people find that search engines often bring up disappointing results from dubious sources. A few tricks, however, can ensure that you corner the pages you are looking for, from sites you can trust. The same goes for searching social networks and other sources to locate people.