Tools for Spotting Bots, Working Tough Sources, and Combatting Fresh Disinformation from #gijnElectionWatchdog

In week five of GIJN’s project to arm US reporters with tools for the toughest election stories, #gijnElectionWatchdog shared a tool to spot Twitter bots, a live dashboard to combat the hottest election disinformation efforts as they arise, a free cybersecurity toolkit for reporters, and tips for finding hard-to-access election sources.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for Oct. 29-Nov. 9: visualizing the refugee crisis (@lucify_); MOOC: infographics & dataviz (@utknightcenter); learn timelines and timemaps (@SchoolOfData); #ddj Arabic handbook (ddjournalism); Slopegraphs (@EdwardTufte).

25 Tips for Everyday Digging

Some of the best tips and techniques come out of the annual meetings by our colleagues in Scandinavia, and this year is no different. More than 600 participants attended the SKUP conference in Tønsberg, Norway, on April 8-10. Among the tip sheets presented was this gem of 25 practical tips that reporters in even the smallest newsrooms can use to good effect, focused on finding great characters and cases to bring your story to life.