Undercover in the Sudanese Schools That Chain Boys

In this harrowing account, Sudanese freelance journalist Fateh Al-Rahman Al-Hamdani recounts how he went undercover to document child abuse that was occurring in Islamic educational institutions, known as khalwas, in Sudan. He also writes about his personal experience as a teenager being abused by sheikhs, as well as the actions Sudan’s transitional government has taken since the publication of his investigation.

Periodista encubierto reportea sobre las escuelas islámicas en las que encadenan a los niños en Sudán

Hay unas 30.000 khalwas en Sudán. Reciben dinero del gobierno y de donantes privados. El autor de este artículo filmó a muchos menores, algunos de apenas 5 años, que recibían severas golpizas, eran rutinariamente encadenados y recluidos sin comida o agua por los jeques, u hombres religiosos, encargados de las escuelas. Lee más sobre este caso en este artículo.

The 20 Leading Digital Predators of Press Freedom Around the World

Reporters Sans Frontieres published, for the first time, a list of press freedom’s 20 worst digital predators in 2020. Whether state offshoots, private-sector companies, or informal entities, they reflect a reality of power at the end of the 21st century’s second decade, in which investigative reporters and other journalists who cause displeasure risk being the targets of predatory activity by often hidden actors.