CBC heat islands graphed by economic diversity

Data Journalism Top 10: Sweltering Cities, Digital Inequity, Climate & Sleep, COVID & Schools

As parts of the world endure record-breaking temperatures, a highlight from the world of data journalism this week involves an analysis of how “heat islands” in Canadian cities vary based on economic strata. Our weekly Top Ten in Data Journalism also looks at the global spread of Pegasus spyware, digital inequity in the US, and how the COVID-19 pandemic affects school children in Latin America.

Uber Files secret access

Data Journalism Top 10: Uber Files, A New Notre-Dame, Saudi Sportswashing, Boris Johnson’s Legacy

The Uber Files leak contains reams of data and documents that detail the inner workings of the ride-hailing company, and has led to a global investigation into the firm’s practices. Also in this week’s edition of the top 10 stories in data journalism, we look at the dubious legacy of the UK’s scandal-hit leader Boris Johnson, the reconstruction of Notre-Dame cathedral, and the widespread epidemic of US gun violence.

NYT Maps Impact of Roe Abortion Ruling

Data Journalism Top 10: Abortion Ban Burdens, China Surveillance, Heat Wave Threats, and Russia’s Degraded Army

This week’s Top 10 in Data Journalism looks at the impact of the Dobbs US Supreme Court ruling on travel time for women seeking an abortion in the US, China’s intensifying surveillance on its population, the impact of heat waves on fragile populations in Germany, the state of the Russian army after four months of war, and the gender inequity in speeches in the Zurich Parliament. 

Data Journalism Top 10: Black Sea Blockade, Yemen Airstrikes, Hong Kong Shoebox Housing, Space Garbage

This week, GIJN’s roundup of the best in data journalism features an analysis of the impact of Russia’s Black Sea blockade on the global food chain, a deep dive into the US military’s role in aiding Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen, and a look at how different forms of inequality affect the lives of residents in Brussels, Belgium.

Illustration of Russian and Ukraine flag combined. Text on the flags read: Investigating Russia & the War on Ukraine

Investigating Russia and the War in Ukraine

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, GIJN has published a series of stories and tipsheets for investigative journalists covering the war. This includes a wide range range of topics, from tracking Russian assets to investigating war crimes.

Data Journalism Top 10: Russia’s Achilles’ Heel, Baby Names, Bike Shortage, Dataviz Color Guide

Our weekly look at some of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter examines the logistical Achilles’ heel of the Russian invasion, ongoing gaps in the sanctions of Russian oligarchs, Europe’s selective support for refugees, a historical analysis of Scottish baby names, and a deep dive into how organizations should choose their data visualization color palettes.