Data Journalism Top 10: Lawmaker Insider Trading, Queen Elizabeth’s Money, Celebratory Gunfire, Russian Bomb Shelters

From stories examing potential conflicts of interest among lawmakers in Peru and the US, to a data story revealing the history of Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait on banknotes worldwide, our column features the best in data journalism. Also this week: the dangers of so-called celebratory gunfire, displacement in the Democratic Repubilc of Congo, and how the war in Ukraine has impacted children living in institutional care.

Telegram, app, Russia

Tips for Archiving Telegram Messages on Russia-Ukraine War

With Facebook blocked and Twitter restricted, Telegram is one of the last social network applications fully accessible to internet users in Russia. Archiving Telegram reports of military engagements from on the ground in Ukraine ensures any evidence can still be used by researchers if a user deletes a post, if a channel is removed, or if an entire platform becomes inaccessible.

Scientific American - Florence Nightingale graphics

Data Journalism Top 10: Kids’ Fashion Stereotypes, Economic Sandwich Index, Immigration Profits, and Florence Nightingale’s Graphics

Children’s fashion is riddled with gender stereotypes, according to an analysis by German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which found that popular children’s clothing tended to be more revealing for girls, but comfortable and functional for boys. Also this week, analysis of the big earners in the healthcare industry, the tracking of post-pandemic recovery through sandwich sales, and Florence Nightingale’s contribution to graphic storytelling.

Q & A: Investigating TikTok Content Across the Russia-Ukraine Border

To investigate what the Russian invasion looked like to TikTok users in Russia and Ukraine, and how the content available differed from one side of the border to the other, a team of journalists from the Norwegian broadcasting company NRK set out to investigate the social networking site’s algorithms and how a user’s location provides differing digital narratives about the war.