Texty.org Map of Russian lobbists

Editor’s Pick: Top 10 Data Journalism Projects from 2022

Throughout 2022, journalists have used data projects to track and assess the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ongoing impacts of climate change, and important political elections around the world. Here, GIJN selects our top 10 data journalism projects of the year, which also includes a look at the polarization of the COVID vaccines in the US, a historical analysis of how debt burdened Haiti for centuries, irregularities in Spanish caesarean delivery rates, and the privatization of UK’s water resources.


Investigando a Rússia ao redor do mundo: um kit de ferramentas

A GIJN montou uma espécie de kit de ferramentas para iniciantes para ajudar os jornalistas a rastrearem ativos russos, interferência política e desinformação em seus países. De aviões de oligarcas a rastreadores de sanções, você encontrará mais de 30 sites úteis aqui.

Data Journalism Top 10: Protesting the War, Russian Sanctions, Mapping Refugees, and NICAR Tips

Data teams across the globe are still focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with The Economist examining the anti-war protests that have brought Russian citizens to the streets. Others have looked at the impact of flight bans, or been producing trackers to monitor and assess the sanctions that have been imposed as a result of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order to go to war.