Scientific American - Florence Nightingale graphics

Data Journalism Top 10: Kids’ Fashion Stereotypes, Economic Sandwich Index, Immigration Profits, and Florence Nightingale’s Graphics

Children’s fashion is riddled with gender stereotypes, according to an analysis by German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, which found that popular children’s clothing tended to be more revealing for girls, but comfortable and functional for boys. Also this week, analysis of the big earners in the healthcare industry, the tracking of post-pandemic recovery through sandwich sales, and Florence Nightingale’s contribution to graphic storytelling.

Sujag: Investigative Journalism from the Margins of Power in Pakistan

Sujag, a long-form digital investigative journalism platform in Pakistan, is committed to highlighting voices from the margins. With recent stories on child marriage, acid attacks, and why women from poor communities are finding it so difficult to access coronavirus vaccinations, Sujag’s editors proudly say their journalistic ethos prioritizes “siding with the marginalized” over neutrality.

Silenciar a la prensa: una década de asesinatos de periodistas en América Latina

Las investigaciones periodísticas sobre la política, la corrupción y el crimen organizado en pequeñas y medianas ciudades de Brasil, México, Colombia y Honduras fueron la causa de 139 casos de asesinato de profesionales de los medios registrados por Reporteros sin Fronteras (RSF) entre 2011 y 2020. La mitad de estos periodistas había informado de que recibieron amenazas a causa su trabajo.