Introducing GIJN’s New Guide to Citizen Investigations

Citizens can investigate, and they do — all over the world. Today we’re launching a new GIJN guide to help non-journalists investigate even more. It’s full of techniques used by investigative journalists that will be helpful to citizen investigators, too. These include searching the internet, finding out who owns corporations, investigating politicians, and much more.

LGBTQ Resources: Data, Documents and Sources


Full guide here
To help journalists on in-depth projects into issues affecting LGBTQ communities, GIJN has assembled a broad range of data, documents, and other sources of information. This spreadsheet links to more than 50 international data sets (some downloadable), studies, national groups and places to find expert sources.

LGBTQ Resources: Investigative Reports

Full guide here. As a resource for reporting on issues affecting LGBTQ communities, GIJN has assembled a collection of exemplary investigative reporting on these topics around the world during 2017.