Forbidden Stories Amazon Murder

Investigating Organized Crime in the Amazon: The Bruno and Dom Project

After the British journalist Dom Phillips and the Brazilian Indigenous affairs expert Bruno Pereira were killed, several newsrooms and more than 50 journalists collaborated on Forbidden Stories’ The Bruno and Dom Project, to honor the pair’s legacy and expose illegal activities in the area along the borders of Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, where the men were murdered.

Editor’s Pick: 2022’s Best Investigative Stories in French

Geographical diversity, the stories’ impact and uniqueness, the risks taken, and the techniques used were some of our criteria for selecting the strongest French language investigations of the year, selected by GIJN French Editor Alcyone Wemaëre, GIJN Francophone Africa Editor Maxime Domegni, GIJN French Assistant Editor Moran Kerinec, and Africa Assistant Editor Aïssatou Fofana.

Nobel Winner Muratov: Be an Investigative Reporter, and Fight for a Better World

In his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize, Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of Russia’s leading independent media outlet, Novaya Gazeta, said: “The award today goes to the entire community of investigative journalists.” Four days later — in a webinar interview with GIJN — Muratov set out the true stakes for investigative journalists who now share that high honor.