Data Journalism Top 10: Lawmaker Insider Trading, Queen Elizabeth’s Money, Celebratory Gunfire, Russian Bomb Shelters

From stories examing potential conflicts of interest among lawmakers in Peru and the US, to a data story revealing the history of Queen Elizabeth II’s portrait on banknotes worldwide, our column features the best in data journalism. Also this week: the dangers of so-called celebratory gunfire, displacement in the Democratic Repubilc of Congo, and how the war in Ukraine has impacted children living in institutional care.

Insider Access to Chinese Vaccines: A Case Study in Pandemic Corruption from Peru

In a scandal known as ‘Vacunagate,’ 487 influential people in Peru, including its president, were secretly inoculated against COVID-19 months before vaccines were approved for the public. Two investigative newsrooms in Peru found that Chinese drug makers had secretly sent thousands of ‘courtesy’ vaccine doses to several countries in South America in addition to the doses needed for clinical trials there. Editors from both told GIJN how reporters can tackle this new form of corruption.

Investigative Groups in Six Countries Join GIJN

GIJN’s Board of Directors admitted seven new members this week, bringing our membership to a record 108 organizations in 46 countries. Please join us in welcoming: ANCIR, CORRECT!V, Dossier, IDL-Reporteros, OjoPúblico, RISE-Moldova, and WCIJ.