
Investigando a Rússia ao redor do mundo: um kit de ferramentas

A GIJN montou uma espécie de kit de ferramentas para iniciantes para ajudar os jornalistas a rastrearem ativos russos, interferência política e desinformação em seus países. De aviões de oligarcas a rastreadores de sanções, você encontrará mais de 30 sites úteis aqui.

The People and the Technology Behind the Panama Papers

The trove of files that make up the Panama Papers is likely the largest dataset of leaked insider information in the history of journalism. For ICIJ’s Data and Research Unit, it offered a unique set of challenges. The overall size of the data (2.6 terabytes, 11.5 million files), the variety of file types (from spreadsheets, emails and PDFs to obscure and old formats no longer in use), and the logistics of making it all securely searchable for more than 370 journalists around the world are just a few of the hurdles faced over the course of the 12 month investigation.