What Washington is Doing in Your Country: A Tipsheet for Investigating US Influence Around the World

The government of the United States engages with virtually every country in the world on some level. From presidential actions to criminal investigations, and from aid programs to military assistance, many of these areas are traceable at some level through public-facing databases. Here’s GIJN’s tipsheet to show you where to start digging into the data.

GIJN’s Data Journalism Top 10: German Heat, Austrian Arms, Quebec School Fees and Salvadoran Kidney Disease

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from Sept 3 to 9 finds @FiveThirtyEight attacked by the green-eyed monster with their equivalent of Bloomberg’s “Jealousy List,” @daswasfehlt breaks down Austria’s export of arms, @GoogleAI announces the beta launch of Google Datasets Search, and @SZ documents how climate change is wreaking havoc on temperatures in Germany but boosting ice-cream sales.