ProPublica report on Native American remains still found in universities and museums

Data Journalism Top 10: Native American Remains, Disparities in French Education, and Caste Discrimination in India’s Academia

Our most popular data journalism stories of the week highlight a project cataloging Indigenous remains in the US that have yet to be repatriated, a look into the socioeconomic disparities between French school districts, a deep dive into how caste discrimination affects India’s academia, and a German examination of 100 years of student housing.

Africa Organized Crime Guide - Migration and Human trafficking

Guide d’enquête sur le crime organisé en Afrique : Chapitre 9 – Autres crimes

Ce chapitre de notre guide fournit quelques astuces pour enquêter sur différentes formes de criminalité en Afrique, incluant la traite des personnes et le trafic des migrants, la cybercriminalité, la contrebande des cigarettes et l’industrie de la contrefaction.

Data Journalism Top 10: Where Raindrops Go, Spiral Chart Debate, Prenatal Tests, Death Threat Dataviz

We have rolled into the third calendar year of the pandemic, but the debate about how journalists present data on the coronavirus continues to rage. Just six days into 2022, a spiral chart divided the data journalism community into two camps. Our weekly NodeXL analysis and curation of the most popular data journalism stories on Twitter also features an investigation into the prenatal testing industry, a visualization of death threats received by election staff, and an interactive map of Russian military bases near the Ukraine border.