GIJN Masterclass: What Is Washington Doing in Your Country?

In this online Masterclass, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Martha Mendoza is in conversation with GIJN’s David Kaplan. Mendoza will offer hands-on training to accompany her popular GIJN tipsheet, Investigating US Influence Around the World, designed to help journalists outside the US understand how their countries are impacted by Washington — and how to report it more effectively. 

GIJN Masterclass: Washington Ülkenizde Ne Yapıyor?

GIJN Masterclass’ta Pulitzer Ödüllü gazeteci Martha Mendoza GIJN’den David Kaplan konuşacak. Mendoza, ABD dışındaki gazetecilerin ülkelerinin Washington’dan nasıl etkilendiğini ve bunu nasıl daha etkili bir şekilde haber edeceklerini anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmış olan oturum GIJN’in popüler yazısı “ABD’nin Dünya Üzerindeki Etkisini Araştırmak” odağında uygulamalı yürütülecek.

From the Experts: Tips and Tools for Investigations

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out our new video series on investigative tips and tools. This compact set of crash seminars features leading experts with insights on what investigative journalism is, as well as how to follow public records, investigate with data, understand financial records and the best online search strategies.