Pesquisa on-line avançada
Paul Myers, um dos principais especialistas internacionais em investigação online, compartilha suas dicas sobre as melhores ferramentas e estratégias para desenterrar informações sobre pessoas.
Global Investigative Journalism Network (https://archive.gijn.org/tag/linkedin/page/2/)
Paul Myers, um dos principais especialistas internacionais em investigação online, compartilha suas dicas sobre as melhores ferramentas e estratégias para desenterrar informações sobre pessoas.
Search engines are an intrinsic part of the array of commonly used “open source” research tools. Together with social media, domain name look-ups and more traditional solutions such as newspapers, effective web searching will help you find vital information. Many people find that search engines often bring up disappointing results from dubious sources. A few tricks, however, can ensure that you corner the pages you are looking for, from sites you can trust. The same goes for searching social networks and other sources to locate people.
Приёмы для непрямого поиска неуловимой информации в социальных сетях от Хенка ван Эсса, в том числе, и через специальные созданные им самим поисковые приложения.
For our series about journalists’ favorite tools, we spoke with Katherine Eban, who has won awards for her work on gun trafficking, pharmaceutical counterfeits, and CIA interrogations. She described some of the low-tech tools and old-school strategies that have helped her break major stories on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Какие старомодные инструменты помогают Кэтрин Эбан проводить расследования о подделке лекарств и испытаниях препаратов от COVID-19.