তাঁরা যে আগুন ছড়িয়ে দিলেন সবখানে

শুরু চার পৃষ্ঠার এক পরীক্ষামূলক উদ্যোগ দিয়ে, যেন সদ্য লেখাপড়া শিখতে থাকা নারীরা সঠিক তথ্য পেতে পারেন। সেই উদ্যোগই একসময় রূপ নিল সংবাদপত্রে, যা কিনা নারীদের সাথে অসদাচরণ থেকে শুরু করে স্থানীয় সরকারের ত্রুটি পর্যন্ত সব কিছু উন্মোচন করতে লাগলো একে একে। খবর লহরিয়া নামের সেই পত্রিকার নাম, রাতারাতি ছড়িয়ে পড়লো জাতীয় পর্যায়ে।

Indian Centre for Investigative Journalism Launches in Delhi

Editor’s Note: For months, GIJN has been working with our colleagues in India in support of launching that country’s first nonprofit center for investigative journalism. Although there are more than 100 nonprofits worldwide working on investigative reporting, in fast-growing, dynamic India — with nearly 1.3 billion people — the country has lacked a center focused on in-depth investigations into corruption, lack of accountability, and abuse of power.

A Lesson in Investigative Reporting from ICIJ’s Implant Files

When Washington, DC-based journalist Scilla Alecci began investigating a story that would later become part of the Implant Files, she hit a brick wall: Hospitals in India wouldn’t answer her phone calls. So she took the advice of an Indian colleague and booked a flight over. Together, they started knocking on doors all over the country, leading them to unexpected discoveries.

GIJN and India’s CIJ Team Up for “Watchdog Reports”

GIJN has partnered with the Centre for Investigative Journalism, India to launch a new feature, Watchdog Reports. This daily feed on CIJ’s website curates items on investigative reporting from India and around the world, including news of the latest tools, techniques, fellowships, awards and more. India’s center, founded last year, is working with leading journalism schools and media “to train a new generation of Indian investigative journalists.”