Vinod K. Jose illustration Smaranda Tolosano

What I’ve Learned: Lessons and Advice from The Caravan’s Vinod K. Jose

For the inaugural post in our new interview series about investigative reporters operating in tough press freedom environments around the world, GIJN speaks to Vinod K. Jose, executive editor of India’s premier long-form journalism magazine, The Caravan. He tells us about the challenges of leading an intrepid team in the face of rising autocracy in the world’s largest democracy.

GIJN Advisory Service in KBR newsroom - Indonesia

How GIJN Advisory Services Helped Newsrooms in Indonesia and India

GIJN Advisory Services has launched the Investigative Journalism Assessment Program (IJ-MAP), which allows us to offer a free, in-depth assessment of an organization, and follow up with expert advice from media consultants in priority areas such as investigative reporting, data journalism, revenue development, and digital audience reach.

Vinod K. Jose illustration Smaranda Tolosano

Consejos de un periodista: Vinod K. Jose de The Caravan (India)

Para la nueva serie “Consejos de un periodista”, GIJN habla con Vinod K. Jose, editor ejecutivo de la principal revista de periodismo de investigación de la India: The Caravan. El editor habla de los desafíos de liderar un equipo de reporteros frente al aumento de la autocracia en la democracia más grande del mundo. Más aquí.