The award-winning Ghanaian journalist Manasseh Azure Awuni says there are a series of challenges that investigative reporters in Africa must confront during the course of their work. Read about the difficulty of getting accurate data, the challenges of impunity, funding issues, and press freedom challenges in this excerpt from his new book.
GIJN social media editor Holly Pate looked into best practices for increasing impact and audience engagement of investigative stories, gathering real-life examples from journalism sites around the world.
At the Google Investigathon on Nov.12, GIJN premiered its latest project, Investigative Impact: How Investigative Journalism Fights Corruption, Promotes Accountability, and Fosters Transparency around the World. GIJN director David Kaplan and board chair Brant Houston showcased the project before nearly 100 people at the New York event, demonstrating through video, graphics, data, and a new website the extraordinary global impact of investigative reporting. The project includes case studies of high-impact reports, video interviews with journalists in 20 countries, infographics, and a resource library.
How investigative journalist Olanrewaju Oyedeji, from Nigeria’s Dataphyte, exposed corruption in government notebook contracts by analyzing data from the state’s online procurement portal.
Is measuring reach, attention, and engagement the same as measuring the impact of your journalism? The model and technology are not yet there to measure the real impact of a story on behavior and policy.
Rare cancers among military veterans are increasingly linked to earlier chemical dumping and burn pits at old bases. In this piece, three Associated Press reporters share tips on exposing these links, based on their year-long investigation into a former US military base.
Conditions for journalists in authoritarian countries are challenging and often dangerous. In light of these challenges, journalists and donors need to widen their understanding of the less traditional ways journalism generates impact.
What follows is a collection of sea level rise stories representing either unique investigative work or interesting ways of approaching sea level rise stories. This list is categorized by topic, though given the wide-ranging impact of sea level rise, a story about ecological loss often morphs into stories about economics, migration, and other topics.
The dramatic effects of sea level rise can be visualized in a variety of ways. For emotional appeal, digitally modified photos can show how rising water levels might affect treasured monuments and buildings.
Estos recursos permiten evaluar los datos de tráfico de un sitio web: los orígenes digitales y geográficos de los visitantes, qué dispositivo están utilizando para visualizarlo, la popularidad de artículos específicos. Aparte, ayudan a optimizar las páginas para aumentar el tráfico y mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios.