Why Open Data Isn’t Enough

Hacks and hackers meetups. Open government initiatives. Hackathons and datafests. The media development world has discovered big data, and it is embracing it big time. Donors like the Knight and Omidyar foundations are focused almost exclusively on tech fixes to what ails the media. As one prominent donor told a nonprofit newsroom executive, “We no longer fund content.”

Top Ten #ddj: This Week’s Top Data Journalism

What’s the global #ddj community tweeting about? Our NodeXL mapping from June 19 to 25 includes Germany’s housing discrimination problem by @SPIEGELONLINE and @br_data, data on police interaction with the public from @StanfordEng and @StanfordJourn and a report on big data for gender from @Data2X.

This Week’s Top 10 in Data Journalism

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 5 to 11 finds everyone keenly sharing data tipsheets from @IRE_NICAR’s NICAR18 conference, @texifter discussing how to identify bots versus humans online and @EdjNet talking to @culukaya about the shocking rates of femicide in Turkey.