২০২১ সালের নভেম্বরে অস্ট্রেলিয়ার সিডনিতে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে দ্বাদশ গ্লোবাল ইনভেস্টিগেটিভ জার্নালিজম কনফারেন্স। এই সম্মেলন যৌথভাবে আয়োজন করবে গ্লোবাল ইনভেস্টিগেটিভ জার্নালিজম নেটওয়ার্ক এবং জুডিথ নিলসন ইনস্টিটিউট ফর জার্নালিজম অ্যান্ড আইডিয়াস।
As we gather for the second Asian Investigative Journalism Conference, this seems a good time to share again with our colleagues where the Global Investigative Journalism Network and its conferences come from. It was a simple idea at the end of the 20th century — to gather the world’s investigative journalists to share their knowledge with each other — that gave birth to GIJN, which has now grown to 138 member organizations in 62 countries.
Won’t you join Professor Stiglitz in supporting our work? Our job is providing truth-telling journalists with the training, strategies, and networks that hold the powerful accountable and give voice to those who otherwise have none. Your support today can help GIJN meet the tremendous demand for these capacity-building efforts in the months to come.
The Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS), one of the three partner organizations behind the Global Investigative Journalism Conference, has launched a fellowship program for journalists to attend the Latin American Conference on Investigative Journalism (COLPIN) in Rio de Janeiro (October 12-15). For the first time COLPIN will be held simultaneously with the Global Conference, as well as with the national congress of ABRAJI, Brazil’s investigative journalism association.
The fellowships are part of the 4th Advanced Course for Investigative Journalism, co-organized between IPYS and Transparency International. A group of 12 journalists from across Latin America will be selected after proposing projects on organized crime in the region.
Here’s your chance to support the global spread of investigative journalism. We need your help to sponsor dozens of journalists from developing and transitioning countries to come to the Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Norway this October 8-11.
It started with trying to predict the outcome of a US presidential election. More than six decades later, computer-assisted reporting is at the core of investigative reporting globally.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is now accepting proposals for the 10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference, to be held in the autumn of 2017. If your organization would like to host the next GIJC after this year’s conference in Rio de Janeiro, now is the time to assemble and submit a proposal. Deadline to submit a proposal is August 15.
The ninth Global Investigative Journalism Conference at Lillehammer, Norway, is now less than a year away. Your local hosts at SKUP — Norway’s investigative journalists association — went there last week and are pleased to report that plans for GIJC15 look most promising.
The ninth Global Investigative Journalism Conference, to be held this October 8-11 in Lillehammer, Norway will feature again an academic research track, highlighting trends, challenges, teaching methodologies, and best practices in investigative journalism. Here is the call for papers that is going out to journalism professors worldwide.
From Seoul to Bogotá. From Tromsø to Johannesburg. The list of speakers and participants for GIJC15 at Lillehammer is filling up. There are just over 100 days before the opening of the ninth Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Lillehammer, Norway. So far we’ve confirmed 61 sessions at the conference, with dozens more to come over the next few weeks.