Gothenburg, Sweden

Global Investigative Journalism Conference Moves to Gothenburg, Sweden, Sept. 19-22, 2023

The 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC23) is now scheduled for September 19 – 22 in the historic city of Gothenburg, Sweden. GIJN is excited to join with two local co-hosts for the 13th iteration of its conference: The Fojo Media Institute at Linnaeus University, and Föreningen Grävande Journalister, Sweden’s national association of investigative journalists.

¡Envíanos tus ideas para la conferencia GIJC23!

La Conferencia Global de Periodismo de Investigación 2023 será del 19 al 22 de septiembre en Gotemburgo, Suecia. El evento tendrá paneles, talleres y sesiones de networking sobre periodismo de investigación y de datos. Postula tus ideas por medio de este formulario.

#GIJC23: Convocatoria para el premio “Global Shining Light”

Las postulaciones ya están abiertas para el Premio Global Shining Light de GIJC23. Este premio único, patrocinado por la Red Global de Periodismo de Investigación, honra el periodismo de investigación en un país en desarrollo o en transición, realizado bajo amenazas, coacción o en las peores condiciones.

Send Us Your Session Ideas for GIJC23!

The 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Conference is scheduled for September 19-22 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Designed by journalists for journalists, GIJC23 will feature cutting-edge panels, workshops, and networking sessions, ranging from cross-border collaboration and corruption tracking to advanced data analysis. Here’s an opportunity for you to propose great ideas on compelling panels, workshops, and other presentations.

Envie-nos suas ideias de sessões para a GIJC23!

A próxima Conferência Global de Jornalismo Investigativo está agendada para 19 a 22 de setembro de 2023, em Gotemburgo, Suécia. Tem uma proposta de sessão em mente? Envie-nos sua sugestão até 10 de janeiro.