Advisory Launch Image

GIJN Launches New Advisory Services for Watchdog Media

Watchdog journalists, despite being some of the world’s most determined and enterprising reporters, face multiple challenges, especially those working in repressive environments. They need support. So we’re pleased to launch GIJN Advisory Services for easier access to our expanding services, including a raft of new tools and resources to strengthen and spread in-depth watchdog journalism.

निगरानी मीडिया के लिए जीआईजेएन ने शुरू की परामर्श सेवा

जीआईजेएन परामर्श सेवा में अब व्यापार और प्रबंधन, कानूनी सहयोग, और सुरक्षा संबंधी नए संसाधन उपलब्ध कराए गए हैं। इनमें वॉचडॉग मीडिया संगठनों का गहन मूल्यांकन शामिल है। विश्वस्तर पर मान्यता प्राप्त संगठनों की मदद से जीआईजेएन ऐसी उच्चस्तरीय सेवाएं प्रदान कर रहा है।

Behind the Panama Papers: A Q&A with ICIJ Director Gerard Ryle

“Hello,” wrote the anonymous source to a German newspaper, “this is John Doe. Interested in data?” Thus began what would soon become an international financial investigation into what are being called the Panama Papers—an investigation so massive that even whistleblower Edward Snowden, on Twitter, called it the “biggest leak in the history of data journalism.”