Biz Tools - Chapter 9 image

Инструменты для дизайна и визуализации данных

Бесплатные и условно бесплатные платформы и приложения, которые позволяют создавать простые и сложные дизайны на все случаи жизни, а также предоставляют коллекции стоковых изображений.

Investigative Tools That Reporters Love

There are scores of muckraking techniques that can help journalists gain access to elusive sources and data. Here we share the dozen online tools that leading reporters commonly praised in interviews with GIJN in the past year — and especially those that require few or no special digital skills.

My Favorite Tools: Alberto Cairo on Data Visualization

For our series on journalists’ favorite tools, we spoke to Alberto Cairo, head of visualization at the University of Miami’s Institute for Data Science and Computing. Cairo shared several user-friendly tools and core principles to help investigative reporters shape their data visually to create new insights for audiences.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

Here are top data journalism tweets for Apr 10-16, per our NodeXL mapping: Brittany’s posh hotels (@dataspotTLG); Flourish #dataviz tool (@FastCoDesign); US health insurance (@NPR); hexagonal Europe (@MusMekh); visual vocabulary (@ftdata); data internships (@ONS); China’s rising water (@kimmelman); & more.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

Here are top data journalism tweets for Apr 17-23, per our NodeXL mapping: French voting (@lamontagne_fr); music festival gender (@pitchfork); mapping US homeless (@FastCompany); Scottish fact checking (@FerretScot); Spanish voting (@Politibot). tilegrams (@bhaskar_vk); & more.