white text in black background reading Investigating Femicide A GIJN Guide

Yeni Rehber: Kadın Cinayetlerinin Araştırılması!

Kadın cinayetleri, yani kadınların kadın oldukları için kasten öldürülmeleri küresel bir sorundur. BM’nin son tahminlerine göre, her yıl 50.000 kadın ve kız çocuğu yakın partnerleri veya diğer aile üyeleri tarafından öldürülmektedir. GIJN’in son kaynağı gazetecilerin kadın cinayetlerinin ne olduğunu anlamalarına, mevcut verileri bulmalarına ve anlamalarına yardımcı olmayı ve hangi uzmanlarla röportaj yapmaları gerektiğini önermeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Investigating Femicide: A GIJN Guide

Femicide — the intentional murder of women because they are women — is a global problem. According to the UN’s latest estimates, 50,000 women and girls are killed each year by intimate partners or other family members. GIJN’s latest resource aims to help journalists understand what femicide is, find and understand the data available, and suggest which experts to interview.

Editor’s Pick: Best Stories from GIJN Women

From birth control disinformation to cross-border surrogacy, from high-level sexual harassment to the brutality of “everyday” violence against women, 2022 was a year marked by a number of noteworthy investigations into stories with a gender angle.

Editor’s Pick: 2021’s Best Investigative and Data Stories from Turkey

The Turkish press is enduring a period when the most basic journalism practices are hindered due to the state of emergency, the pandemic, and other issues. Despite this, GIJN Turkish found several praiseworthy stories produced by independent journalists this past year. Here we highlight eight stories chosen for their significance, public interest, their use of investigative tools, data sources and techniques, and their commitment to social accountability.