Six Fake News Techniques and Simple Tools to Vet Them

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Exposing fake or manipulated images is quite possible with the proper tools and techniques. In this GIJN tutorial, six fraud scenarios are explored, along with step-by-step instructions on vetting their accuracy or inaccuracy:


कोविड-19 संबंधी गलत सूचनाओं के साजिशकर्ताओं का भंडाफोड़ करने के 6 तरीके !

महामारी के इस दौर में जानबूझकर दुनिया भर में फैलाए जा रहे झूठ के पीछे कई तरह की ताकतें काम कर रही हैं। इनमें कई प्रकार के वैचारिक समूहों, व्यावसायिक हित और अन्य किस्म के धंधेबाज, सरकारी मशीनरी, गोपनीय जनसंपर्क एजेंट, किसी साजिश के तहत काम कर रहे समाचार नेटवर्क इत्यादि शामिल हैं। साथ ही, ऐसे युवा तथा आम लोग भी हैं, जो सिर्फ मजा लेने या ध्यान आकर्षित करने या मामूली आर्थिक लाभ के लिए सोशल मीडिया में कोरोना पर झूठ फैला रहे हैं।

Data Journalism Top 10: Thanksgiving Dangers, Vaccine Tracker, Crosswords Diversity, Golf Swings, Facebook Fact-checks

Around the world, people are toning down their celebrations in a bid to mitigate spread of the coronavirus. The latest casualty: Thanksgiving. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from November 16 to 22 found FiveThirtyEight’s timely piece explaining the risk of COVID-19 transmission from even small Thanksgiving dinner gatherings. Also popular: The New York Times tracking the status of all vaccine trials in progress, and The Pudding analysis of race and gender in crossword puzzles from five major US news publications.

Data Journalism Top 10: Border Disputes, Mediterranean Gas, Data Reporting Grants, Newsroom Cuts

Territorial disputes — over land, borders, or resources — are a long-standing source of tension around the world. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from September 7 to 13 finds Al Jazeera explaining the India-China dispute over a shared Himalayan border in seven maps, and the Financial Times attempting to put into context the tensions between Turkey and its neighbors competing over natural gas discoveries. We also find Stanford University and Big Local News offering data reporting grants on the pandemic, and other groups offering free data journalism workshops and webinars.

Data Journalism Top 10: COVID TikTok, Fact-Checking Coronavirus, Trump Narcissism, Pandemic Economy

The popularity of TikTok has surged during the pandemic, and one particular “data investigation” clip has gone viral. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from April 20 to 26 found TikTok user Rebecca fact-checking a woman’s claim about the COVID-19 quarantine and her grey hair roots, the Coronavirus Fact-Checking Alliance visualizing the thousands of fact checks they have produced during the pandemic, The New York Times analyzing United States President Donald Trump’s messages about the country’s coronavirus response, and FiveThirtyEight examining how concerned Americans are about the coronavirus compared to the economy.

Making Investigative Journalism Sustainable: Govindraj Ethiraj

As part of GIJN’s new series, Making Investigative Journalism Sustainable: Best Business Practices, we are featuring a set of key tips from 10 leading journalists and experts from around the world who are either working to build viable organizations around investigative journalism or work as experts to support these enterprises. Here is Govindraj Ethiraj, Founder, IndiaSpend and (India)

See videos from all 10 experts here.