Health and Medicine Guide: Chapter 5


Tips on Traps, Hype & Ethics
Although in parts of the world investigating pharmaceuticals can be physically dangerous, in others you risk your reputation rather than your life. Drug companies often hire effective and persistent public relations managers, some of them former journalists.

Health and Medicine Guide: Chapter 2

A Study Is Not Just a Study. Get Your Numbers Straight
Tip 1: Stick to EBM and Use PICO
As we stated in our introduction, using Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), defined as “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients,” as a method of investigation can be time-consuming, but highly effective.

Health and Medicine Guide: Introduction

This guide focuses on medicines and medical devices. It aims to provide journalists with the tools and knowledge to independently assess the evidence, critically appraise the risk-benefit ratio of any given product or policy, and expose corruption and malpractice.