From the Experts: Tips and Tools for Investigations

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out our new video series on investigative tips and tools. This compact set of crash seminars features leading experts with insights on what investigative journalism is, as well as how to follow public records, investigate with data, understand financial records and the best online search strategies.

This Week’s Top 10 in Data Journalism

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 12 to 18 finds disturbing news from @NASAEarth about low Arctic sea ice and temperature anomalies in the North Pole, @seeingtheory ‘s redesigned educational website on probability and statistics and top ten ways to clean your data by @Microsoft.

America’s Cultural Landscape, Germany’s Record Summer, Spain’s Immigration Boom, Google’s Data Search

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from July 30 to Aug 5 finds practical advice from @junkcharts for conference presenters to showcase their graphics, @Google making data in data journalism pieces more searchable, @funkeinteraktiv displaying the ways Germany is breaking records this summer, @eldiarioes examining Spain’s immigration boom and author Colin Woodard breaking down America’s regional cultures in The New York Times.

Document of the Day: DataViz Cheatsheet

Economist Jonathan Schwabish created a handy data visualization cheatsheet with straightforward key principles to adhere to when creating data visualizations. Remember: avoid 3D, make labels easy to read and try small multiples.

GIJN’s Data Journalism Top 10: Mapping Wildfires, Insuring Climate Risk, Data Viz for Kids

What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from December 3 to 9 finds @BuzzFeedNews mapping wildfire prone areas across America, @dwnews dissecting the value of insurance against climate change, the release of @infobeautyaward winners, and @jschwabish teaching fourth grade kids the wonders of data visualization in fun and inventive ways.