New Investigative Tools for Monitoring Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are among the most difficult sites to scrape for data across the internet. A recent session at NICAR23 unveiled several dynamic new tools — including Junkipedia, a possible CrowdTangle replacement — that can perform a wealth of social media monitoring tasks, from tracking down who is behind harmful ads to identifying conspiracy groups or influencers spreading disinformation. 

Investigative Tools That Reporters Love

There are scores of muckraking techniques that can help journalists gain access to elusive sources and data. Here we share the dozen online tools that leading reporters commonly praised in interviews with GIJN in the past year — and especially those that require few or no special digital skills.

उपकरण जो खोजी पत्रकार पसंद करते हैं

जीआईजेएन ने अपने एक लेख में खोजी पत्रकारिता से जुड़े कई अहम बिंदुओं और तकनीकों को साझा किया था, जिन्हें इस्तेमाल करना आमतौर पर खोजी पत्रकारों को काफी पसंद होता है। इसमें खोजी पत्रकारिता की ऐसी कई तकनीकें हैं जो पत्रकारों को आसानी से हाथ न आने वाले स्रोतों और डेटा तक पहुंचने में मदद करती हैं।

My Favorite Tools with BuzzFeed’s Craig Silverman

For our series about journalists’ favorite tools, we spoke with Craig Silverman, who leads a global beat on misinformation and media manipulation for BuzzFeed News. An author and award-winning journalist, Silverman shared some his top open source tools for digital investigations and for probing disinformation.