Топ-10 DDJ: архитектура апартеида, ночные поезда, освещение конфликтов, ЛГБТК и вакцины для беженцев

В Европе путешественникам предлагают пересесть с самолетов на ночные поезда, в Южной Африке обсуждают архитектурные особенности апартеида, а в Мехико подсчитывают реальное количество жертв пандемии коронавируса.

Data Journalism Top 10: Apartheid Architecture, Night Trains, Conflict Reporting, LGBTQ & Refugee Vaccines

Would you board a night train instead of a plane in order to help protect the environment? European policymakers hope more and more citizens will do so. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from May 3 to 9, found an article by Bloomberg analyzing a plan to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions by rolling out more cross-border rail lines. In this edition, we also feature a multimedia project looking at an architectural phenomenon linked to apartheid in South Africa, a Washington Post story about the true toll of the coronavirus pandemic in Mexico City, and a guide on using data in conflict reporting.

Structuring visual narratives, by Gurman Bhatia

Data Journalism Top 10: Women’s Careers, Vitamin D, Visual Stories, Electric Cars, Japan’s Ghost Towns

On the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 crisis being declared a global pandemic, outlets around the world looked back on how the coronavirus has transformed our lives. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from March 8 to 14 found a comprehensive summary of how the health crisis unfolded in the United States by The Washington Post, and a look at the COVID-19 crisis in Hungary. In this edition, we also feature The Economist’s interactive tool estimating the risk posed by COVID-19 based on a person’s health, a story about the ghost towns in Fukushima by NPR, and an analysis of the future of electric cars by The New York Times.

¿Cómo investigar en medio de la pandemia?

Como tantos otros oficios, el periodismo se tuvo que adaptar a los cambios que impuso la pandemia. No solo cambió la forma de trabajo, sino también el foco de atención de los medios de comunicación. El coronavirus se convirtió en el tema número uno de la agenda mediática y, en muchos casos, las redacciones tuvieron que reorientar investigaciones que estaban marcha y encontrar nuevos espacios grises en los que profundizar.