वर्ल्ड बैंक कोविड-19 महामारी में कितना पैसा किस-किस को दे रहा है, जानने के तरीक़े

विश्व बैंक की कई परियोजनाएं हैं। हालांकि, ज्यादातर मामलों में यह गाइड “कोविड -19 फास्ट-ट्रैक सुविधा” से संबंधित है, जो मुख्य रूप से महामारी से निपटने के लिए आवश्यक खरीदारी की समर्थन देता है। इस परियोजना में लगभग 75 देश शामिल हैं।

विश्व बैंक के पास कोविड -19 इकोनॉमिक क्राइसिस एंड रिकवरी डेवलपमेंट पॉलिसी फाइनेंसिंग नामक एक अन्य परियोजना है। इससे 70 देशों को सहायता प्राप्त हो रही है। उनमें से कई फास्ट-ट्रैक प्रोग्राम से भी लाभान्वित होते हैं। इस परियोजना का पैसा मुख्य रूप से आर्थिक विकास के लिए है। उदाहरण के लिए, सरकारी परियोजनाओं का समर्थन करना या निजी क्षेत्र के निवेश को प्रोत्साहित करना।

Tracking COVID-19 World Bank Funding by Country

The World Bank is supporting governments in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, providing about $14 billion to more than 100 countries. But how is the money being spent and who is getting the contracts? 

Tracking the use of this money can be facilitated by World Bank data online along with national procurement records.

Researching Government Contracts for COVID-19 Spending

As countries rapidly spend billions of dollars to fight the coronavirus pandemic, digging into government contracts is taking on a new urgency. 

The crisis poses new challenges. Officials are using emergency purchasing procedures, creating barriers to public disclosure, and slowing down their handling of requests under freedom of information laws.

Distribution, Collaboration, and Freelancing: A GIJN Guide

From where to pitch to how to avoid being sued, and how much you should be getting paid for your work: a new, nine-part GIJN-resource covers the business side of doing investigative journalism. The guide covers a variety of subjects, aiming to help both individuals and media institutions by providing practical tips and advice.

Data Journalism Top 10: Simple Google Searches, COVID Contracts, Mining Indigenous Land, Nashville Hot Spots, Blackstone in Berlin

Have you ever noticed how your Google search results now appear with boxes of information extracted from the websites by the search engine? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from November 9 to 15 found The Markup’s new “Simple Search” browser extension, which allows you to view the best results in the “traditional” Google search format. We also discovered a visualization of the connection between members of the ruling British Conservative Party and COVID-19 contracts, InfoAmazonia’s investigation into mining requests in protected Indigenous land in the Amazon, and German daily Der Tagesspiegel showing that the American private equity group Blackstone is a major private property owner in the German capital, Berlin.