Double Exposure: 5 documentales de periodismo de investigación para ver

El festival de cine Double Exposure muestra el trabajo creativo de reporteros y cineastas que realizan investigaciones de interés público. Desde una película filmada en las salas del hospital de Wuhan hasta una investigación sobre el asesinato de un miembro de la familia gobernante de Corea del Norte, aquí hay una lista con cinco de los principales documentales de investigación presentados en el festival de este año.

Data Journalism Top 10: North Korea Ghost Ships, Trolls Attack WHO, Al Pacino’s Wardrobe, COVID Air Travel

Satellite imagery has become increasingly useful in establishing evidence of human rights abuses and in shining a light on dubious activities being conducted in secretive parts of the world. Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from August 17 to 23 finds NBC News utilizing satellite data to solve a long-standing mystery about North Korean “ghost boats” washing up on Japanese shores, The New York Times analyzing footfall data to determine how the coronavirus pandemic has influenced consumer spending, and Bellingcat revealing a coordinated network of attacks on Twitter against the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO).

What We’re Reading: Who Killed Léo Veras, China’s Twitter Propaganda, and COVID-19 Collaboration

This week’s Friday 5, where we round up our favorite reads from around the online world in English, includes Abraji’s report on the investigation into the murder of journalist Léo Veras, a guide to decoding Chinese state propaganda on Twitter, a study into bot-generated coronavirus activity on Twitter, and Hostwriter’s tool to help connect editors to local journalists worldwide.

Exposing Chaos and Repression in Wuhan with User-Generated Content

An Australian documentary team used user-generated footage to create a film about Wuhan, the city at the epicenter of China’s COVID-19 outbreak. They used clips filmed on mobile phones that showed people with the virus being dragged into vans by police, and bodies left on the street and on hospital floors, using different tools to verify the material.