Guide to Investigating Organized Crime in the Golden Triangle

Organzied Crime Guide - Golden Triangle Introduction

Illustration: Nodjadong Boonprasert for GIJN

This guide was written by Bertil Lintner and edited by Nikolia Apostolou, David E. Kaplan, Reed Richardson, and Alexa Van Sickle. Illustrations are by Nodjadong Boonprasert. Smaranda Tolosano coordinated the translations.

To read the Introduction start here.

On GIJN’s YouTube Channel, you can also watch a webinar on investigating organized crime in the Golden Triangle, which was held on Dec. 1, 2022.

This guide was possible due to the invaluable support of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC), an independent civil-society organization dedicated to seeking new and innovative strategies and responses to organized crime. 

Chapter 01 Organized Crime in Golden Triangle Drug Trafficking
Chapter 1 — Narcotics (Drug Traffickers)
Chapter 02 Golden Triangle Organized Crime - Drug Traffickgin
Chapter 2 — Narcotics (Corrupt Officials)
Chapter 03 - Organized Crime in Golden Triangle Money Laundering
Chapter 3 — Money Laundering
Chapter 04 - Organized Crime in Golden Triangle Human Trafficking
Chapter 4 — Human Trafficking
Chapter 05 - Organized Crime in the Golden Triangle Wildlife Trafficking
Chapter 5 — Wildlife Trafficking
Chapter 06 - Organized Crime in the Golden Triangle Other Criminal Activity
Chapter 6 — Other Criminal Activity