Research Desk: Databases on Ag, Insider Trading; Reports on Migration, LGBTI, Food Supply

The Internet is an amazing research resource but often discovery of quality reference tools and reports can be challenging, especially when you think about how quickly new resources appear and often disappear. I hope that these columns not only alert you to useful material but will help you build up your own collection of reference resources, which you can save on your own computer, or utilize a tool like The Wayback Machine to archive it for yourself and others.

Research Desk: Eurostat, Data Repositories, New Reports

Here’s a new roundup of research tools and reports that we hope you find useful. Data Repositories
As the amount of publicly accessible data continues to expand rapidly the same can be said for places to store and access data sets. One place to find data sets are data repositories from the academic community and other research oriented organizations.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for September 17-24: refugee-crisis dataviz (webk1d); 230 examples of fiscal dataviz; ranking Swiss hospitals (RTSinfo); mapping Berlin (morgenpost); EU iPhones & tax money (zeitonline); and more.

Research Desk: Weather Disasters, Population, ICT

Here’s a final Research Desk for 2015, with tips on “pinging” websites and new reports on world population, weather disasters, the information society, and more. As part of GIJN’s work to expand its Resource Center, we’ll be switching the Research Desk to a social media-based format in the new year.

Top Ten #ddj for 2015: The Year’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

Thanks to so many of you for following our weekly Top Ten #ddj, which uses NodeXL to do a social network analysis on data journalism tweets. Here’s our summary of the year’s best: the most popular hashtags, the most searched domains, and the top mentions. As we have through the year, GIJN sends big thanks to the great Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them.

Inside a Pioneering Italian Data Journalism Collaboration

Confiscati Bene, released in mid-December in Europe, is a pioneering data journalism collaboration that digs into the $4 billion of goods in the EU confiscated from criminals by European authorities. An international team of journalists and their allies sought to create a European database of seized assets and answer troubling questions about the accountability of the process. Confiscati Bene (literally, Well Confiscated) received support from GIJN member; the main project can be seen at

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top links for Feb. 16-22: terrorism & tourism (@SPIEGELONLINE); time-series (@edwardtufte); fellowships (@schoolofdata); ISIS’s cultural destruction (@wef); profiling refugees (@data_match); French agri-crisis (@LeTelegramme); & more.

The Best Five Podcasts About Data Journalism

Podcast are a great way to find out stories and to be entertained. However, have you ever thought about using them to learn data journalism? In this list, I have collected some of the best podcast about data. Some are specifically about data journalism, whereas others approach data from an innovative perspective.

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