Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting about? Here are the Top Ten links for April 10-16: must-read books for #ddj beginners, data tools for covering elections, resources for working with open data, mapping the Internet in Europe, and an upcoming bootcamp in Pakistan.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the Top Ten links for Apr 18-26: data viz resources (@visualisingdata), Europe refugees (@zeitonline), French school names (@EugenieBastie), Perugia Fest highlights (#digilab), Le Monde fack-checks (@lemondefr), Global South ddj (

The Research Desk: Tools for Tweets, Domain History, Data

We’re back with another selection of web resources and reports that might be of interest to journalists around the world. On the list this week: new reports from the International Labour Organization, Congressional Research Service, and UK House of Commons; and tools to search domain ownership, load tweets into a spreadsheet, and search open data. Good hunting!

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for July 9 to 16: +300 sites with free geographic datasets (@sciremotesense ); graphing German YouTube (@SPIEGELOLINE); Australia’s mining footprint (@ICIJorg); democratizing data (OKFN); and more.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for July 23 to 30: mapping money and doctors in Germany (@ZEITONLINE); maps at the Berliner Morgenpost (@moklick); #ddj for francophone African journalists (@Afronline); carsharing in Berlin (@tagesspiegel); and more.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for August 10 to 23: Africa ddj Initiative (@justinarenstein); mapping UK/Ireland pubs (@CityMetric); Amazon’s end (@InfoAmazonia); L.A. trash (@latimes); NSA patents (@alice_corona); Hacktivist toolbox (@POLITICOEurope).

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for August 26 to September 3: how to think visually (annavitals); beautiful evidence books (EdwardTufte); dating site scam (elespanol); Data Journalism Handbook (ddjournalism); and more.

Top Ten #ddj: The Week’s Most Popular Data Journalism Links

What’s the data-driven journalism crowd tweeting? Here are the top ten links for September 3-9: Syrian Refugees in Europe (elmundoes); Nukes in Japan (StatisticsViews); Mapping Tennis (Natgeo); Rent Prices as Mountains (datenblog112); and the World’s Fastest Lifts (FT).

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