دليل المحقق الأسبوعي
الموجة الثّانية من كوفيد-19 في عشرة رسومات بيانيّة
وصل عدد المصابين بـكوفيد19 في تونس في 17 أغسطس 2020 إلى رقم يومي قياسي حيث تم اكتشاف 129 حالة جديدة. منذ إعادة فتح الحدود، استمرت العدوى في الانتشار.
Global Investigative Journalism Network (https://archive.gijn.org/category/uncategorized/page/4/)
الموجة الثّانية من كوفيد-19 في عشرة رسومات بيانيّة
وصل عدد المصابين بـكوفيد19 في تونس في 17 أغسطس 2020 إلى رقم يومي قياسي حيث تم اكتشاف 129 حالة جديدة. منذ إعادة فتح الحدود، استمرت العدوى في الانتشار.
الصحافة العابرة للحدود
ما هي الصحافة العابرة للحدود؟ وهل يمكن للصحفي اليوم أن يعمل على قصص دولية بمفرده؟ كيف تمكن فريق الصحافيين الذين اشتغلوا على أوراق بنما من تنسيق بحثهم وعملهم؟ يقدم لنا هذا الفيديو القصير من معهد الجزيرة للإعلام شرحا شاملا وبسيطا لمبدأ الصحافة العابرة للحدود. لنتابع المزيد في هذا الفيديو. كشف التنسيق في حملات التضليل
التنسيق هو أحد السمات المركزية لعمليات المعلومات وحملات التضليل، والتي يمكن تعريفها على أنها جهود متضافرة لاستهداف الأشخاص بمعلومات خاطئة أو مضللة، بأهداف استراتيجية سياسية أواجتماعية أو مالية، خاصة مع استخدام الإمكانيات التي توفرها منصات التواصل الاجتماعي.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is outraged and alarmed by the conviction of our colleagues Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos for cyberlibel in a Philippines regional court. Maria Ressa, the founder and executive editor of Rappler, was the keynote speaker at the 2019 conference of GIJN, which represents 184 nonprofit investigative journalism organizations in 77 countries. She is a journalist of unquestioned integrity, representing the best of her nation’s long tradition of investigative reporting.
The Ukrainian investigative group Bihus.info has built a name for itself investigating corruption. It formed in the aftermath of the Ukrainian Revolution, as journalists tried to piece together some of the documents destroyed and damaged by the former regime. Today, they are battling a tough media freedom environment and investigations into their own staff and reporters which slow them down and which they see as an effort to pressure them in relation to their reporting.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way journalists work, not least because many authorities have cited the contagion as a reason to crack down on the news media. Certain dangers will subside with time but some of the measures put into place that restrict press freedom – whether intended or not — could continue well into the future.
GIJN has created a multi-part guide on where to obtain data about the spread of COVID-19 and its consequences. The document links to official and unofficial international sources on health and economic data, links to information on government policy responses, and more than a dozen sites working on pandemic projection modelling.
The Global Investigative Journalism Network condemns attacks by law enforcement on journalists in the US covering protests of the police killing of George Floyd. “The attacks on, and intimidation of, journalists legitimately covering protests and social unrest in the US are unconstitutional and unlawful,” stated the executive committee of the GIJN Board of Directors. “These attacks… threaten the very core of a free and democratic society.”
Like health professionals, care givers, and other essential workers, journalists face heightened and grave health risks as they pursue crucial stories on the COVID-19 crisis. But measuring coronavirus deaths among media workers poses many of the same problems as counting true mortality figures in the general population. The Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), a nonprofit focused on press freedom, recorded 64 deaths in 24 countries by May 5.
The second webinar in our series, Covering the Pandemic, focused on mental health and self-care for journalists. Resilience & Reporting: Staying Healthy & Sane featured Bruce Shapiro, executive director of the Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma, and Maria Teresa Ronderos, a veteran reporter and editor from Colombia.
We’re back from the wonderful Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Lillehammer with a new roundup of resources for you. Thanks to everyone who came to and shared the presentation I did there with Margot Williams of The Intercept, 100 Best Databases for Internet Research. You can find links to all the resources that Margot and I talked about in this post.