Forbidden Stories' Pegasus Project exposé

Pegasus Project Reveals Added Risks for Corruption Reporters

The digital security risk to investigative journalism was reaffirmed this month with the release of the Pegasus Project. This involved collaborative reporting by 17 global media outlets on a list of thousands of leaked phone numbers allegedly selected for possible surveillance by government clients of Israeli firm NSO Group. At least 180 journalists are implicated as targets. It also sheds light on four chilling cases profile here.

Digital Self-Defense for Journalists: An Introduction

Digital self-defense is becoming an important part of the journalistic toolkit. Beyond risks to everyone’s digital lives—webcam hacking, email breaches, identity theft—people who work in newsrooms have even more at stake. Newsrooms are some of the biggest targets in the world for state-sponsored digital attacks, as well as more routine threats.

Как журналистам понять, ведется ли за ними электронная слежка

Работающие в авторитарной среде журналисты часто сталкиваются с электронной слежкой. Иногда такая слежка не направлена на конкретную цель, но становится массовым явлением. В таких случаях задача наблюдения – понять, чем занимаются журналисты в целом и чему посвящены их расследования.

Three “Musts” for Today’s Investigative Journalist

Journalism is by definition investigative. However, the depth and scope of possibilities to unearth and bring to light wrongdoings of public interest has increased manifold, thanks to the way the Internet has been evolving in the last decade. To be a true investigative reporter today, it is indispensable to fine-tune the old philosophy with three new practices: be Open, Systematic and Safe.

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