¿Qué es el Periodismo de Investigación?

Aunque existen distintas definiciones del periodismo de investigación, entre las asociaciones de periodistas hay un consenso sobre los principales componentes: investigación sistemática, en profundidad y original, que en general implica revelar un secreto. Muchos señalan que la práctica a menudo también implica un uso intensivo de datos y registros públicos, con un enfoque en la justicia social y la rendición de cuentas.

Investigating What Assad’s Regime Did with Money to Rebuild Syria

The war in Syria has dragged on for a decade, which has led to more than six million people being displaced within the country’s borders, and a similar number have fled the country as refugees. But what has happened to the money raised to help rebuild the country? Journalist Mohammed Bassiki dug deep into the documents and followed the money trail to find out.

Q & A: Investigating TikTok Content Across the Russia-Ukraine Border

To investigate what the Russian invasion looked like to TikTok users in Russia and Ukraine, and how the content available differed from one side of the border to the other, a team of journalists from the Norwegian broadcasting company NRK set out to investigate the social networking site’s algorithms and how a user’s location provides differing digital narratives about the war.

Journalists Lift the Lid Off Abortion Issues in Germany and Worldwide

In 2021, nonprofit journalism site CORRECTIV.Lokal set out to investigate the impact of restricted access to abortion on the health and well-being of pregnant people in Germany. As the recent US Supreme Court ruling shows, ongoing changes to abortion rights and legislation affect millions of people around the world and make this a crucial topic for investigative journalists.

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