Investigative Journalism: Safety and Security for Asian Journalists – A Free Training Program

GIJN has partnered with the Centre for Investigative Journalism, the Freedom of the Press Foundation and the Judith Nielsen Institute to offer a unique safety and security training program specifically tailored for investigative journalists and others in watchdog newsrooms. It will be delivered online through hands-on practical training sessions with some of the world’s leading journalism safety trainers.

GIJN Masterclass: What Is Washington Doing in Your Country?

In this online Masterclass, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Martha Mendoza is in conversation with GIJN’s David Kaplan. Mendoza will offer hands-on training to accompany her popular GIJN tipsheet, Investigating US Influence Around the World, designed to help journalists outside the US understand how their countries are impacted by Washington — and how to report it more effectively. 

¿Qué es el Periodismo de Investigación?

Aunque existen distintas definiciones del periodismo de investigación, entre las asociaciones de periodistas hay un consenso sobre los principales componentes: investigación sistemática, en profundidad y original, que en general implica revelar un secreto. Muchos señalan que la práctica a menudo también implica un uso intensivo de datos y registros públicos, con un enfoque en la justicia social y la rendición de cuentas.

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