When Rowan Philp’s editor finally agreed to send him to cover a White House story, he was sure a meaty investigation was headed his way. In a sense, it was: read how he uncovered a delicious scoop at the heart of a Thanksgiving tradition.
One Problem, Many Dimensions: Tips on Covering Poverty
There are many different concepts and definitions of poverty. According to the Oxford University Poverty and Human Development Initiative, ‘Poverty is often defined by one-dimensional measures, such as income. But no one indicator alone can capture the multiple aspects that constitute poverty. Multidimensional poverty is made up of several factors that constitute poor people’s experience of deprivation–such as poor health, lack of education, inadequate living standard, lack of income (as one of several factors considered), disempowerment, poor quality of work and threat from violence.’
Journalists from Brazil, Peru Top List of 2012 Latin American Investigative Journalism Award Winners
Impressive, world-class reporting was honored this week at the 2012 Latin American Investigative Journalism Conference (COLPIN) in Bogota, Colombia. Here’s a look at the winners, drawn from the announcement by the award’s sponsors, the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (Press and Society Institute, or IPYS) and Transparency International.