It’s been a record year for GIJN’s web traffic, where we’ve been publishing some great original reads — from “how they did it” to the best tips and tools on everything from mojo to mapping — as well as republishing some of the best analysis and key reports on issues crucial to investigative journalists around the world. While our grants and fellowships and our ever-growing Resource Center remain readers’ all time favorites, following is a curated list of top reads published in 2017.
Can In-Depth Journalism Make Taiwan’s Next Generation Believe?
Interested in writing for GIJN? We’re always looking for articles — from how-to’s and the latest tips & tools to features on investigative units and innovative reporting — that help us better understand investigative journalism around the world. Send a pitch, along with a brief bio and links to past stories, to GIJN’s managing editor, Tanya Pampalone.