What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from October 28 to November 3 finds The Economist’s summary of a great year in print data journalism, a visualization by Deniz Cem Önduygu of key arguments in Western philosophy, Datajournalism.com’s guide to editing, and BBC News’ analysis of outgoing House of Commons Speaker John Bercow’s career in numbers, Hassel Fallas’ look at Mexican bikes, and Novaya Gazeta on Russian data.
The Economist’s Year of Print Graphics
From China to the United States, encompassing maps to histograms, The Economist covered a wide range of topics using a variety of graphics in its first year of data journalism in print. Alex Selby-Boothroyd, head of data journalism at The Economist, recounts their greatest hits and offers some lessons learned along the way.
'Graphic detail', @TheEconomist's print section dedicated to data journalism, just turned one!📈🎂📉
I wrote about what we learned in our first year here: https://t.co/jAPArogZcp pic.twitter.com/bJ86IHrZA6
— Alex Selby-Boothroyd (@AlexSelbyB) November 1, 2019
Philosophy Summarized and Visualized
Visual communication designer Deniz Cem Önduygu created a visual summary of some key ideas in the history of Western philosophy. By clicking on an idea, readers can see other linked arguments, read what’s been said on a particular subject, and find different perspectives. If a statement agrees with or expands on an old one, they’re connected with a green line. If it disagrees with or refutes an old statement, they’re connected with a red line.
A stunning, interactive visualization of the history of philosophy by @denizcemonduygu, showing the positive and negative connections between some of the key ideas and arguments from philosophers https://t.co/vHvluivXsM
— Oxford Philosophy (@OUPPhilosophy) October 9, 2018
Guide to Editing Data Journalism
Good data editing requires critical thinking, project management skills, and a better-than-average understanding of the content, context, and organization of the data. Maud Beelman and Jennifer LaFleur wrote a quick guide for editors and journalists to help manage and bulletproof data investigations, including 10 questions every editor should ask.
Editing investigations is challenging enough, but particularly when you're not familiar with data methods. Here's @datajournalism's comprehensive guide to editing data journalism: https://t.co/0JPR4uqjth
— Adam Thomas (@datatheism) October 30, 2019
A Speaker’s Career by the Numbers
“It’s as if he goes to bed every night, reads a thesaurus, inwardly digests it and then spews it out the next day.” So said a British Member of Parliament of outgoing United Kingdom House of Commons Speaker John Bercow, as quoted in The New York Times. The BBC analyzed 100 years of Hansard (the official Parliamentary record) to compare Bercow’s speech with his predecessors.
End of an era in British politics, as Speaker John Bercow steps down. Brilliant review by @BBC of his tenure by numbers, including 14,000 times he bellowed "ordeeeerrr." https://t.co/KHY4yeoDSQ
— Amanda Sloat (@A_Sloat) November 1, 2019
Impunity for Violence Against Women
Seven years after El Salvador established a groundbreaking First Comprehensive Law for a Life Free of Violence against Women (Ley Especial para una Vida Libre de Violencia para las Mujeres), the outcomes do not seem encouraging. ElSalvador.com found that last year, the Supreme Court received 1,346 cases of expressions of violence against women. And of those cases, only 11% were brought before a judge and 1% had a conviction.
#ddj #dataviz #flourish Only 1% of cases of Expressions of Violence against Women ended up in conviction in #ElSalvador. @womenindataorg https://t.co/vAZepvoo6H pic.twitter.com/3eMMvpz91V
— Lilian A. Martínez (@LAMartinezSV) October 29, 2019
Data Journalism in Russia
Novaya Gazeta devotes a whole department exclusively to data journalism, which is rare in Russia. Alesya Marokhovskaya, a data journalist from its data team, talked to Radioportal about security measures and the work of the data department, including an investigation into the travels of Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin.
"Журналистам-расследователям на 100% скоро нужен будет навык #программирования. Все вокруг нас превращается в #данные, и они разрастаются с бешеной скоростью". Алеся Мароховская из дата-отдела @novaya_gazeta рассказала @Rus_Radioportal о #ddj
Рус👉https://t.co/LnznIC6K2s pic.twitter.com/5sKHXaeajL— GIJN in Russian (@gijnRu) November 3, 2019
Biking Curiosities
Data journalist Hassel Fallas looked into the public bicycle rental service in Jalisco, Mexico. Her data analysis revealed the busiest bicycle stations, peak hours, common users, and frequent routes.
Here’s my latest #dataviz project. It’s about the Mexican city of Guadalajara and its share bike system, includes information about the users, favorites routes maps, destinies and other curiosities 👉🏼 https://t.co/SpxAXpKpP1 #ddj #data #Tableau pic.twitter.com/ANzcffv6az
— Hassel Fallas (@HasselFallas) October 30, 2019
Creative Student Visualizations
Alberto Cairo, Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the University of Miami, highlighted the interesting work being done by his students—some of which have already been long-listed in the Information is Beautiful Awards.
Interesting Student #infographics and #datavisualizations from @albertocairo https://t.co/trWQ9bySzB pic.twitter.com/HqQEJ4mM5n
— Paul Laughlin (@LaughlinPaul) October 30, 2019
British Polls Tracker
BBC News is running a poll tracker based on polls conducted by members of the British Polling Council, which measures how people say they are going to vote at the next general election.
BBC News – Poll tracker: How popular are the Westminster political parties? https://t.co/Bc3M6oh0Wa
— Thomas Saalfeld (@ThomasSaalfeld) October 29, 2019
Visualizing Thuringia’s Election Outcome
The 2019 state election in Thuringia, Germany, last month saw the country’s Left party winning big, but at press time there was no majority for any conceivable coalitions. Funke Mediengruppe visualized the election outcome in graphics and maps.
Die Thüringen-Wahl analysiert: Das Wichtigste zum Ausgang der Landtagswahl in Grafiken und Karten – von Rechtsruck bis mögliche Koalitionen. https://t.co/qZdQfxapN8 #LtwTH19 #Landtagswahl #Thüringen #Landtagswahlen #LTW19 @funkeinteraktiv pic.twitter.com/ujwH2XjZnF
— Jan Hollitzer (@JanHollitzer) October 28, 2019
Thanks, once again, to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them. The Top Ten #ddj list is curated weekly.
Eunice Au is GIJN’s program coordinator. Previously, she was a Malaysia correspondent for Singapore’s The Straits Times, and a journalist at the New Straits Times. She has also written for The Sun, Malaysian Today, and Madam Chair.