The Global Investigative Journalism Network is delighted to welcome seven new member organizations based in seven countries. We are particularly pleased to welcome our first members in Bolivia and Lesotho.
The new members include a foundation that supports environmental journalism in Bolivia, a Switzerland-based reporting center on humanitarian crises, Japan’s first investigative journalism association, a media research and training center in Pakistan and investigative journalism centers in Lesotho, Ukraine and the Netherlands.
The new groups bring GIJN’s global membership to 182 groups in 77 countries. Membership in GIJN is open to nonprofits, NGOs and educational organizations, or their equivalent, that actively work in support of investigative reporting and related data journalism.
Please join us in welcoming our newest members to GIJN:
Fundacion Blue Foresta (Bolivia) is a non-profit organization that promotes the value and conservation of biodiversity, through science, education and environmental journalism. The foundation, through its Environmental Information Network (RAI, by its Spanish acronym), supports the training of Bolivian journalists in investigative techniques and storytelling, to improve their capacity to report on biodiversity conservation, science, environmental crime and natural resource exploitation.
The New Humanitarian (Switzerland) reports from the heart of conflicts and disasters to inform prevention and response. Formerly known as IRIN News, its reporting on humanitarian crises helps sound the alarm and gives insight to policymakers, practitioners and others who want to make the world more humane. Its past reports have focused on the crisis in Darfur, resistance of malaria to the Artemisin drug, Boko Haram, and discrimination against Myanmar’s Rohingya people.
Journalism Practitioners’ Forum or J-Forum (Japan) holds conferences, seminars and training workshops to help journalists develop their investigative skills and knowledge. Its annual conference has a broad spectrum of sessions ranging from great investigative stories to utilizing freedom of information laws, court records and other public documents.
MNN Centre for Investigative Journalism (Lesotho) is an independent, nonprofit center that produces a steady stream of investigative stories that focus on the accountability of Lesotho’s leaders. The stories are published both in Lesotho and South Africa, with the help of its partners. It also shares its investigative expertise through fellowships and small grants to journalists.
Nashi Groshi Lviv (Ukraine) is an independent center for investigative journalism launched by the NGO Lviv Group in Lviv, a city in western Ukraine. Its objectives are conducting and promoting investigative journalism, analytic and consulting activities, public monitoring of the work of local government, public finance monitoring, analysis of socially important court decisions, and assisting journalists in information gathering. Its website contains information on public finances in the Lviv region and its journalists have experience in discovering corruption and malpractices in public procurement.
Pakistan Press Foundation (Pakistan) is an independent media research, documentation and training center. The foundation is a non-governmental organization committed to promoting and defending freedom of expression. It encourages research on mass communication and helps to raise the standard of investigative journalism in the country. It has provided training, mentoring and fellowships to more than 120 journalists since 2017 to produce investigative reports.
Investico — Platform vooor onderzoeksjournalistiek (Platform for Investigative Journalism) (Netherlands) is an independent, nonprofit platform for investigative journalism founded in 2014. It investigates for, and in collaboration with, national and regional news media in the Netherlands. Most of its complex, long term research projects are on domestic issues. It also organizes a five-month masterclass to train young talent in journalistic methods.
Interested in learning more? Membership in GIJN is open to nonprofits, NGOs, and educational organizations, or their equivalent, that actively work in support of investigative reporting and related data journalism. You can find a directory of our worldwide membership here.