What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from May 13 to 19 finds a preview on sensible charts from @albertocairo‘s upcoming book “How Charts Lie,” @ladatamx‘s report on homicides in Mexico, @RepublikMagazin‘s analysis on the changing ideologies of political parties in the European Union, and a recap of the Data Journalism UK conference by @paulbradshaw.
Sensible Charts
Should all chart baselines start at zero? In a sneak peek of Alberto Cairo’s upcoming book “How Charts Lie,” he critiques charts that mislead readers by using scales and baselines that aren’t sensible.
A very bad temperature chart, and how to make it better https://t.co/XXsYoMUF4i Showcasing some draft pages from “How Charts Lie” #HowChartsLie #dataviz #infographics #ddj pic.twitter.com/uZyA7DW5vM
— @HowChartsLie (@howchartslie) May 13, 2019
Freedom to Kill in Mexico?
Mexico’s La Data published an analysis about the rebound in homicides in Mexico and visualized the murder rate month by month, state by state. The highest murder rate used to be in 2011, but violence started escalating in 2015, and in 2017 it outweighed the homicide rates of 2011.
Very interesting piece on the rebound of homicides and the new wave of violence that is occurring in some states of Mexico https://t.co/8L8fKENrKX via @ladatamx #ddj pic.twitter.com/S0U3ceoosH
— Daniele Palumbo (@Danict89) May 17, 2019
EU Nations’ Changing Ideologies
Switzerland’s Republik magazine takes a look at the European Union in the last fifteen years and analyzes how and why the ideologies of the political parties in each country and their stance on the EU has changed over time.
Spannend, die ideologischen Wanderungen der europäischen Parteien während 15 Jahren (2002-2017). Auch spannend für meine deutschen Kollegen. https://t.co/QJMEBs4mw4 pic.twitter.com/wnj9MyGxSZ
— Adrienne Fichter (@adfichter) May 13, 2019
Data Journalism UK Recap
“A journalist without data skills is handicapping themselves,” Reach’s David Ottewell said during the recent Data Journalism UK conference. In this great recap of the conference by Paul Bradshaw, the positive impact of data journalism and its ability to better inform journalists’ investigations is truly evident.
From making data physical to giving journalists confidence (and a few other things too) @paulbradshaw #DataJournalism https://t.co/RaPMaVeQX2
— Devadas (@DevadasRajaram) May 9, 2019
Growing Garbage in Moscow
RBC.ru gives an extensive overview of the growth of 23 garbage landfills in the Moscow region, using archival satellite images from Google Earth. The team estimated the size of the landfills using data from Russia’s Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography and through calculations using Google Earth.
#ddj investigation at @ru_rbc on significant Moscow lanfills growth in past years. Made with @googleearth and @rosreestr_info datahttps://t.co/zB1TNp50Hu pic.twitter.com/rSida78Wlx
— dada lyndell (@dadalndll) May 17, 2019
Need for More Rigorous DDJ
Data journalism might have advanced and improved over the last decade but data, tech and science journalist Elisabetta Tola is disappointed in many of its practices and routines. She says in this piece that she sees data often being used in a decorative way — a nice map or infographic to fill a page, lacking context and giving people little means to go deeper on the issues.
How is journalism treating data and valuable information? Too often in a decorative way, says @elisabetta_tola and calls upon #ddj to provide high-quality information aiming to "connect, bridge and contextualize". #datavizhttps://t.co/jaf9vfm62V
— Felix Irmer (@fexi) May 14, 2019
Armed Drones?
VoxEurop has a story that visualizes how the European Union has been contributing funds for drone research. But whether the drones will be used for civil or military actions remains a debate.
I droni armati in Europa – https://t.co/tNvo4hEIpr di @VoxEuropIT
"L’Ue dipende dal settore privato per lo sviluppo di tecnologie nel campo della Difesa. Da quasi 15 anni la ricerca viene finanziata con fondi pubblici che vanno, in parte, ad aziende private di armamenti."— francesca barca (@at23_23) May 18, 2019
Analyzing Election Data
The South Africa general election was held earlier this month. Hacks/Hackers Johannesburg is organizing a two-hour meetup to dive into the election data in an attempt to find stories that news media might have missed so far.
#HHJHB How can visualisations help us find stories in data? Join us on 28 May for a dataquest into the 2019 election results 🗳️ to find out what stories the media missed and the products we could have built. You can RSVP for free here: https://t.co/iKJ7xAlyKY #ddj pic.twitter.com/vL8PvC6n0X
— Code For Africa (@Code4Africa) May 16, 2019
ijnotes: The IJnet Podcast
IJNet — the invaluable media development news service — has produced its first podcast, ijnotes. In it, Korey Matthews interviews ICFJ Knight fellow Jacopo Ottaviani on data journalism. He speaks about visualizing data in an accessible way that can be understood by normal readership and the increasing trend of multi-disciplinary data teams.
In the first episode of @IJNet's new podcast, IJNotes, data journalist and @ICFJKnight Fellow @JacopoOttaviani discusses humanizing data-based stories so they resonate with various audiences. Hear the episode now: https://t.co/H5rarKKglA #datajournalism @Code4Africa #ddj pic.twitter.com/7stxKaCDFK
— ICFJ (@ICFJ) May 19, 2019
Google Dataset Search
Software engineer Chris Gorgolewski, who has been working on Google Dataset Search, hosted an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session last week to answer questions on the search engine for publicly advertised datasets. Check the comment thread on Reddit for the Q&A.
I'm hosting Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session about @GoogleAI Dataset Search (https://t.co/sweyAWCqEc) on reddit this week on Thursday. More info at https://t.co/rzDE6KXLHv. If you have questions about Dataset Search or would like to suggest new features that's the place! Please RT!
— Chris Gorgolewski (@chrisgorgo) May 14, 2019
Thanks, once again, to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them. The Top Ten #ddj list is curated weekly.
Eunice Au is GIJN’s program coordinator. Previously, she was a Malaysia correspondent for Singapore’s The Straits Times, and a journalist at the New Straits Times. She has also written for The Sun, Malaysian Today and Madam Chair.