GIJN Welcomes Four New Member Groups From Italy, Mozambique, Turkey, US

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The Global Investigative Journalism Network is delighted to welcome four new member organizations based in four countries. We are particularly pleased to welcome our first member in Mozambique.

The new members include an investigative newsroom in the United States, a nonprofit that supports and produces investigative data journalism in Italy, a foundation supporting investigative journalism education in Turkey and a training and media development group in Mozambique.

The new groups bring GIJN’s global membership to 177 groups in 76 countries. You can find a full listing in our members directoryMembership in GIJN is open to nonprofits, NGOs and educational organizations, or their equivalent, that actively work in support of investigative reporting and related data journalism.

Please join us in welcoming our newest members to GIJN:

DCReport (US) is a nonprofit news service that covers what the US administration and Congress do, not what they say. It is founded on core investigative journalism principles of research, fact-checking and reporting in a way that its audience understands to show how citizens are affected by what happens in government. DCReport has broken numerous stories by focusing on federal documents that few journalists read, including the story of Trump’s 2005 tax return.

Mídia Lab (Mozambique) is an independent Mozambican non-governmental organization focused on journalism training and media development. It is a capacity-building and training association for the media sector and works with professional and community-based reporters, media managers, journalism trainers and civil society organizations to improve the quality of information made available to citizens.

Openpolis (Italy) is an independent nonprofit that promotes free access to data and information. It collects relevant data concerning democracy and information in order to build a freely accessible data repository. Openpolis also analyzes data regarding power, politics, economy, territories and local communities, and has launched a series of data journalism investigative platforms, including on parliamentary activity, municipal budgets and parliamentary earnings. It provides its repository of data for free to foster investigative work.

Uğur Mumcu Investigative Journalism Foundation (Turkey) is an organization established with the purpose of ensuring the continued journalism legacy of brave journalist and writer Uğur Mumcu, who was assassinated on January 24, 1993. It provides training and investigative journalism education through scholarships for young graduates under the age of 25, training them to follow and question the news in Turkey and the world, respect the ethical principles of journalism and be sensitive and responsible towards social issues.

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