This Week’s Top 10 in Data Journalism

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What’s the global data journalism community tweeting about this week? Our NodeXL #ddj mapping from February 12 to 18 finds @MattLWilliams discussing the ethics of publishing Twitter content, @MaryJoWebster explaining common “dirty data” problems, and  MediaShiftOrg showcasing the powerful impact of small data teams in newsrooms. Plus: Ten Great Ideas About Chance, buses in Britain, and ages in Brittany.

Ethics of Using Twitter Data

Collecting and publishing data collected from social media sites such as Twitter are everyday practices for the data journalist. But is publishing Twitter content –without seeking some form of informed consent from users beforehand — ethical ?

Carbon Doomsday

Check out this Carbon Doomsday chart which visualizes carbon dioxide levels in real-time using open Air Pollution Index data. The code is open source and was created by a team of eight people, including programmers, designers and marketers from the US, Ireland, Australia and Germany.

Wrestling with Dirty Data

More often than not data will show up on your doorstep with a problem… or two or three or more. In the data journalism world, it’s called “dirty data.” Data editor Mary Jo Webster breaks down common dirty data problems you might encounter.

Small Team, Big Impact

Turns out you don’t need a big newsroom to do award-winning data journalism. Mediashift interviews the heads of data teams from Berliner Morgenpost, Dossier and The Bureau Local to find out the advantages of having a small data team.

Small Data for Investigative Projects

What’s the deal with big data, and how does it fit into journalism? The founder of Data Sketch explains basic data journalism terms, and gives tips for mastering small data sets for use in investigative projects.

Offshore Leaks Database Updated

ICIJ recently added 85,000 entities and more than 110,000 officers to its Offshore Leaks Database. Here’s a comprehensive Twitter thread to guide you on how to start searching the database and finding stories in the data.

Frequency vs Probability

The New York Times reviewed the book Ten Great Ideas About Chance, a historical and philosophical tour of major insights in the development of probability theory.

Scraping for Journalists

One of the most important skills for data journalists is scraping. Journocode explains three ways of scraping in this tutorial using, Python, or R.

Britain’s Bus Coverage

A BBC Shared Data Unit analysis revealed that Britain’s bus network has shrunk to levels last seen in the late 1980s. Rising car use and public funding cuts are being blamed for a loss of 134 million miles of coverage over the past decade.

Brittany’s Average Age

Le Télégramme deciphers the average age of the inhabitants of the 1,250 municipalities of Brittany. (Hint: It’s 41.6 years, but varies widely from the coast to the cities.)

Thanks, once again, to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them.

For a look at Marc Smith’s mapping on #ddj on Twitter, check out this map.

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