What’s the data driven journalism (#ddj) crowd tweeting about? Here are the week’s Top Data Journalism Links on Twitter (for December 1-9), including items from Stimme.de, Arnaud Wery, Datawrapper, The Economist, and m0le.net.
Thanks to Marc Smith of Connected Action for gathering the links and graphing them.
Stimme.de: Operation Sawfish — The Bombing of Heilbronns
The Economist: The Quick and the Dead
Arnaud Wery: Les 3 premiers mois très productifs de Jean Abbiateci à la rédaction du « Temps »
Datenjournalist: Data Journalism in November 2014
m0le.net: Autopsie d’une dataviz
Detective.io: A tool for collaborative network analysis
Taz.de: Endlich frei
DataWrapper: New Usage Guidelines
Arnaud Wery: Comment Le Temps (Suisse) développe ses projets de datajournalisme
Clean-sheet.org: Releasing data or statistics in spreadsheets
For a look at Marc Smith’s graphing on