Hanene Zbiss is one of the journalists featured in our video. Hanene, who writes for Réalités magazine in Tunisia, works with our colleagues at Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism.” credit=”
Huge thanks to all our contributors of our crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. These first days have been intensely busy but rewarding, and we’re happy to say that the campaign is rolling.
The global community of investigative journalists – and their supporters worldwide – have had an awesome response. In a matter of hours the donations started coming in. A special shout-out to our colleague Elena Egawhary in London, who asked friends to donate to our campaign as a gift for her 30th birthday. How cool is that?
So, we can officially announce that you all have funded the campaign’s first investigative reporting fellowship! More to come soon, but one journalist in a developing country – who we will soon announce – can start packing his or her bags and join us at the Global Investigative Journalism Conference, where they’ll get state-of-the-art training in the latest techniques.
The response in social media has also been amazing. We’ve had more than 100 retweets in just three days and almost 600 Facebook likes. This could not be possible without all of you.
By now our campaign is almost 30% funded. But this is only the beginning, and we really need your help to bring more promising journalists! We know from experience that the reporters we bring to the Global Conference return home and do cutting-edge work on corruption, crime, health care, and more.
Please donate and share the campaign with your friends. Help support investigative journalists in some of the toughest places in the world.